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Developed and Presented by
An Independent Traditional 1928 BCP Ministry

Are you Looking for the 1928 BCP?

CommonPrayer.org does not publish or sell any books. If you are looking for copies of the 1928 Book of Common Prayer, here are several places you may be able to obtain them:

Amazon.com     Anglican Parishes Association     episcopalnet.org     Barnes & Noble     DEUS Publications    

As for other related altar/liturgical books based on the Prayer Book:

Combination 1928 BCP/KJV Bibles may be found at the Anglican Parishes Association (see above); they are based on the Preservation Press release of the mid-90's.

Altar editions of the BCP (usually titled "Altar Service") are now being published by the Prayer Book Society, (look under the "Prayer Book" heading).

Anglican Missals (Altar and Personal editions) can be purchased from the Anglican Parishes Association.

Combination 1928 BCP/1940 Hymnals have not been printed for quite some time, and are not generally available.
Other items which may be of interest to those who use the 1928 BCP include:

"The Lesser Feasts and Fasts" (Church Pension Fund, 1963) ++
"The Oxford American Prayer Book Commentary" (Massey Shepherd)
"Ritual Notes" (E.C.R. Lamburn) **
"The Book of Common Prayer, 1662" (last official English edition) **
"The Hymnal 1940" (Church Pension Fund)
"Saint Augustine's Prayer Book" **

++ - available at www.lulu.com; search for "Lesser Feasts"
** - in print; some of the vendors noted above may carry these items

Here are some places you can look for out of print books:
On-line auction sites such as e-bay occasionally have listings for BCP items.

Used bookstores - try in your local area, national/catalog sellers (Loome Theological Bookstore), and on-line booksellers and search sites (abebooks.com, bookfinder.com, biblio.com).

This list is just a selection of some possible sources. We are not affiliated with any of them, and they do not sponsor us or pay for advertising. Other sellers may have what you are looking for; be sure to check with local churches and bookstores for their recommendations, and check with those at your local parish - word of mouth can work wonders. Also, don't be afraid to buy a used book and have it rebound; the end result can be a real treasure.

Availablity of books and websites can change; if you find that any of the sources above is no longer correct, please send the Webmaster an e-mail at: MISC IMAGE so that we can correct this list. Thanks!

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